All Natural Dog Flea Treatment-4 Easy Steps

A non chemical all natural dog flea treatment in place of all the chemicals we use to use on our pets for flea removal, is something many of us are looking for.

Chemical based products don’t appear to be working as well as they use to because fleas have gained a resistance to them.

It’s time for us to take a different approach to eradicating the fleas from our dogs while keeping them safe from harmful chemicals that can cause irritation to our dogs skin not to mention bad reactions.

Follow The Steps Below For An All Natural Dog Flea Treatment

Step 1: All Natural Dog Flea Treatment – Bathing With A Flea Shampoo

You will need to use an all natural flea shampoo, you can buy these or make your own. If you decide to buy an all natural flea shampoo, you may want one with essential oils or oatmeal based if your dogs skin is irritated from the fleas.

The all natural dog flea and tick shampoos offer great protection even without the harsh chemicals that can cause harm to our dogs.

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Wondercide – Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

12 oz

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How To Bathe Your Dog For Fleas

Step 1:  

Fill a tub half way with warm water, add more or less depending on the size of your dog.  Your dog will need to be submerged in the water as much as possible, this will cause the fleas to drown while bathing your dog.

I would recommend putting a thick ring of the flea shampoo around the base of your dogs neck before starting. The fleas are going to go for your dogs head to stay away from the water. The thick lather of the shampoo will prevent a lot of them from getting there.

natural dog flea treatment


Put your dog in the water and put a thick amount of flea shampoo starting on the neck, behind the ears, all the way to the tip of the tail.  

If you see fleas coming toward the face, push them back down into the soapy lather toward the water to kill them.

Rub the shampoo into a very thick lather, using your fingers and massage the shampoo all the way to your dogs skin.  

I realize they are in the water but while they are standing up, you should be able to reach their bellies and tops of their legs.

Be sure to get all of your dog’s body, the neck, chest, belly, legs, back and tail!  Continue rubbing the shampoo on your dog for at least 5 minutes.

Step 3:  

After the flea shampoo has had time to smoother the fleas it’s time to rinse.

As your rinsing the flea shampoo off of your dog, you are still going to see fleas starting to go toward their face. With a wet hand push them back down away from their face.

natural dog flea treatment

Step 4:  

After all of the shampoo is rinsed off of your dog, drain the water and refill with fresh water. If you have a detachable shower head, use this to continually rinse while refilling the tub.

This may seem like a useless step but you are getting all of the flea dirt and dead fleas off of your dog along with drowning any that are still alive.

If you look at your dogs neck and chest you will probably see a lot of fleas coming to the surface of the fur for air.  

They are suffocating as you are pouring the water over your dog, so the longer you can do this the more fleas your going to kill.

If there are still a large amount of fleas on your dog after doing this, repeat with the shampoo along with the previous steps.

I know it seems like a lot but honestly you will be grateful that you took the time to go another round and so will your dog.

Step 5:  

Take your dog out of the water and towel dry them the best that you can.  Now you’re going to need a flea comb, if you don’t have one use the finest tooth comb you have.

Starting at the neck of your dog, right behind the ears, make full combing strokes straight down to the tail of your dog. If your dog has really thick fur, just do the best that you can, even if you have to go in shorter combing strokes.

Rinse the comb after each comb stroke, you are getting any fleas that are dead and left on your dogs skin, along with any flea eggs that may be on them, off.  Continue combing your dog until you have done their entire body.

Now that you have a freshly cleaned dog follow the next steps to kill any fleas that are left behind:

Start With An All Natural Dog Flea Treatment Flea Spray

to treat your dog after they are bathed and dry. You need to make sure that it is chemical free and truly an all natural dog flea treatment spray.  I personally use EVOLV by Wondercide and I love it but choose the best one for your dog.

You want to completely spray your dog from head to toe, even the tail!  While spraying them use the flea comb and comb it right down to your dogs skin.  

The flea sprays generally need to be reapplied every week until there are no signs of fleas anymore. The natural dog flea treatment spray is going to take the place of chemical topical flea treatments and flea collars.

If you see fleas on your dog, you should be able to re apply the all natural flea and tick sprays without worry at any time.

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Wondercide Flea & Tick Spray

16 oz

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All Natural Garlic & Brewers Yeast Tablets

You may want to consider giving your dog a garlic and brewers yeast tablet daily as well. The tablets change the taste of your dog’s blood and the fleas don’t like it.  

My dog gets 1 tablet daily and it seems to work well.  I think it’s the same for all dogs but check with your veterinarian just to be sure, it may be more or less depending on the size of your dog.

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NaturVet Brewers Dried Yeast Formula with Garlic

1000 Tablets

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Your Natural Dog Flea Treatment is Complete!

Now you need to get rid of the fleas in your home and your yard to make sure that the fleas stay away from your dog and your family. You will need to break the flea life cycle throughout your home.  

The adult fleas that you just killed on your dog are only 5% of the flea population that you have in your home!  The other stages, egg, larva and pupa stages are hiding in your carpets, furniture and yard.

Check Out More Helpful Information Below To Get Rid Of Fleas Naturally

I hope the all natural dog flea treatments was useful for you. If you have any other all natural flea treatments that you have tried, please share them below to help others as well.

If you have any questions about any of the information in this article or about anything else, please leave it in the comments section below.

Thank you for visiting Fleas B Gone, have a great day 🙂

2 thoughts on “All Natural Dog Flea Treatment-4 Easy Steps”

  1. Natalie

    Hi there! We recently found 4 fleas each on our small dogs within the past 3 weeks. Since then they’ve gotten a bath basically every week and we’ve been vacuuming religiously. Until further research I didn’t realize I should be spraying my entire house with the Wondercide! So I went back, sprayed up the pups making sure to split their fur to reach their skin and sprayed up everything… Floors, furniture, bed, bedding, laundry bag, literally everything. Unfortunately my little 5lb pup HATES the smell of the lemongrass wondercide and rubs her face all over the treated blankets. I feel bad but I feel like we have no choice… I continue to vacuum everyday, spray our home and pups with Wondercide now weekly. I haven’t seen any flea dirt on my pups a couple days, but 2 fell off dead when I was spraying them. Is there anything else I can do to make sure they go away? I feel crazy and it’s driving me crazy!!!!! Pls help… 🙁

    1. Kimberly

      Hi there Natalie, sounds like you are doing everything right. If you aren’t seeing any flea dirt on your pups or live fleas that’s a very good sign that you have taken care of the problem. I treat my pets monthly with the wondercide as a preventative measure and that has worked perfectly well. If you see anymore signs of fleas within your home, I would retreat the way you have been doing but if signs of fleas are gone you should be able to go down to vacuuming weekly. I also would only be spraying the pups monthly if the signs of the fleas are gone.

      Fleas can drive people crazy cause they’re so small and hide so easily. Sounds to me that you caught the problem before it could overtake your home 🙂

      Please let me know if I can help you any further!!


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